
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Top 5 Web Development Trends That You Should Know in 2020

There certainly has been a tremendous shift in the technology industry,and there are several innovations and advancements that are shaping the way humans live and interact.

Following the footsteps, web development has also been bringing new experiences to the audience by integrating modern technologies and following trends. These two things are essential to keep up with the current fast-moving trends and phases. Here are some popular web development trends of 2020.

Integration of AMP

The Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) has become a norm while developing web applications. The number of smartphone users is around 3.5 billion in 2020. Therefore it is no surprise that AMP is a leading trend. When developing a website, it is 100% essential to make it mobile-friendly using AMP for faster page loads and powerful performance.They also help to boost the SEO of your website.

Motion User Interfaces

Motion UI is one of the popular trends in web development, especially the user-triggered motions and animations. Motion UI involves animations, transitions, hovers and background graphics and so on. All these things will give the website a sophisticated and modern look and enhances the overall user experience, which leads to more user engagement.

Multi-Screen Experience

With the introduction of advanced technologies, people tend to move towards sophisticated living. The smartphones and desktops are not the only things that people use nowadays; therefore, to make your application widely available to your audience multi-screen is the besttrend to follow. Your web application should be compatible with devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and car systems. To enhance the experience of the users, integrate AR/VR, voice assistants, AI chatbots for even more advanced web development.

Designing APIs First

Designing the APIs first is an emerging trend in 2020. Usually, the user interface is created first, and then APIs are integrated into web application development. But shifting to API first design has increased the speed of the development process tremendously.

Content Personalization

It’s 2020, and content personalization is a way to go to impress users and retain them longer in the web application. With the use of machine learning business can analyze the incoming data and use it for personalized content recommendations and notifications for users. It is proven to increase conversion rates.